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Article Id: 20147
Category: Communications

Article Id: 20148
Category: Communications

Article Id: 20149
Category: Communications

Article Id: 20395
Category: Organization Information

Article Id: 20457
Category: Lecture Capture

This article will cover some important functions relating to Panopto Assignment folders. Specifically we will cover creating multiple assignment folders, how to allow students to see others submissions, and any other relevant processes to the LSU community as they are identified. Click on the bullet point for the process you wish to...
Article Id: 20479
Category: Lecture Capture

LSU Faculty and Staff members may begin using Panopto within Moodle after they've completed the following steps: enabling the Panopto Moodle Block within their Moodle course, provisioning their course in Moodle, and downloading the recorder from the Moodle Block within your course . Note: Steps 1-2 are...
Article Id: 20169
Category: Lecture Capture

Article Id: 20466
Category: Lecture Capture

General Information LSU's Academic Technology Services (ATS) recommends using the following steps for backing up your video and media files. These steps should be done on a regular basis to ensure your personal directory of files are kept up to date. Panopto LSU ITS...
Article Id: 18043
Category: Panopto

LSU Faculty Video and Teleconference Tools At LSU, there are multiple ways to share media and interactive content with your students in the form of two major platforms: Panopto and Zoom. With options including embedding into Moodle as well as robust services...
Article Id: 19744
Category: Panopto