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Reporting Lost Items to the LSU Online Library: 1. Navigate to the LSU Online Library website. 2. Hover over the Services dropdown at the top of the screen, and then click Borrowing from LSU Libraries.
Article Id: 19034
Category: Basic Features & How To's

The Reserve Desk houses material instructors require their students to read during a regular semester. This can include such materials as library books, tapes, and the professor's personal books on Reserve for their students. To borrow an item on reserve, please come to the Access Services desk with the call number, professor’s name, course name or number, or book title....
Article Id: 19027
Category: Basic Features & How To's

All collaboration group spaces consist of a single computer with a large plasma screen, seating for groups of 2 to 6 people, and collaboration software. The collaboration software allows group members to connect to a session with their laptops via wireless if they choose. Once connected, participants can be granted control of the central computer or share their screens with the group on the...
Article Id: 19022
Category: Basic Features & How To's

To Schedule a Library Instruction Session or LSU Library Classroom 1. Visit the LSU Libraries website. To Schedule a Library Instruction Session 2. Click the drop down arrow next to ...
Article Id: 19038
Category: Basic Features & How To's

All individual study spaces are equipped with a desk, a reading lamp, and an electrical outlet. Seating is for one person only. To Schedule an Individual Study Space at the LSU Library: 1. Navigate to the LSU Library website.
Article Id: 19025
Category: Basic Features & How To's

To Search through the LSU Library Databases: 1. Navigate to the LSU Libraries website. 2. Select the Databases tab at the top of the screen.
Article Id: 19021
Category: Basic Features & How To's

To Search Research Guides in LSU Libraries: 1. Navigate to the LSU Libraries website. 2. Select Research > Discovery from the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Article Id: 19079
Category: Basic Features & How To's

To View Your Recent Activities in LSU Special Collections: 1. Navigate to the LSU Special Collections Libraries website. 2. This will bring you to the Special Collections webpage. Select Sign In / Register from...
Article Id: 19064
Category: Basic Features & How To's

General Information LSU Libraries is proud to present the Digitizing Louisiana Newspaper Project (DLNP), which offers 78 titles from the state of Louisiana published between 1836 through 1922 — a total of 211,500 pages. An additional 117,000 pages from 49 new titles are currently being processed for digitization and will be available by the end of...
Article Id: 19072
Category: Digitizing Louisiana Newspapers Project (DLNP)

Browsing Historically Black Titles in the DLNP Collection: 1. Navigate to the Digitizing Louisiana Newspapers Project (DLNP) web page. 2. In the Newspaper Titles section on the...
Article Id: 19113
Category: Digitizing Louisiana Newspapers Project (DLNP)