results for "lsu"
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General Information LSU Information Technology Services values highly its association with the IT professionals who support technology in each campus, academic, and administrative department. We work closely with our LSU Technology Support Professionals (TSPs) to engage them in IT related services and programs. ITS holds Spring and Fall Information Technology; Forums, Fairs, Tech Talks,...
Article Id: 17036

General Information "The LSU Visualization Services Center is a service center that will strive to greatly enhance the level of knowledge, skills, and interest in visualization tools and techniques among LSU students and faculty. It provides students with the capability of looking at multidimensional datasets as a whole or in sections and the ability to analyze sections of data and present...
Article Id: 12669

Location of LSU E-mail Stations List of the locations of the LSU E-mail Stations which are available for students, faculty & staff. ( MyLSU Account ID is required on all stations except for LSU Library.) Patrick F. Taylor Hall University Recreation Center Thomas Boyd Hall LSU Student Union LSU Library (Open to the...
Article Id: 5790

General Information In the spring of 1997, the Student Government Senate voted unanimously in a resolution endorsing the concept of a student technology fee. "The Student Technology Fee at Louisiana State University is dedicated to the acquisition, installation, maintenance, and intelligent use of state-of-the-art technology solely for the purpose of supporting and enhancing student life...
Article Id: 6055

General Information LSU ITS (Information Technology Services) provides services that enrich the learning and research atmosphere for faculty and students at LSU. LSU's ITS division effectively maintains university systems frequently used by students and faculty alike, including course registration systems, internet services, and similar technology based systems utilized by the university.
Article Id: 16852

The Government Documents/Microforms Collection is located in the basement, Room 53, of LSU Library on the LSU Campus. Once you enter the library, go to the stairwell. Descend the stairs, go immediately to your right, around the corner. Proceed straight ahead. To Access Government Documents from the LSU Library: 1. Visit the LSU Libraries home page. 2. Select Libraries...
Article Id: 19017

To Manage Your LSU Library Account: 1. Go on to LSU Libraries website. 2. Click My Account on the Home screen. 3. On the webpage that appears, enter your User ID or your Alternate ID and your PIN , then click Log In . You will now be able to see your account information. Note: Your User ID is your 17-digit LSU Tiger Card number (without a...
Article Id: 19033

Eligibility & Order Procedures Available To: LSU Faculty, Staff & Graduate Students (Upon Request). For more...
Article Id: 14767

The history of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College spans over 150 years. University Archives contains an ever-growing number of records, collections, photographs, and University publications dating back to the institution’s origins in 1860. To View University History from the LSU Libraries Special Collection: 1. Log in to LSU Library Special...
Article Id: 19062

The Digital Commons @ LSU Law Center site is the institutional repository for LSU Law school which provides permanent and open access to the Law Center community. It also functions to preserve its history of institution. To Access the Digital Commons Website: 1. Navigate to the the LSU Law Library website. 2. Select LSU Law Digital Commons under the Research section...
Article Id: 19053

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