results for "moodle"
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Simple calculated questions offer a way to create individual numerical questions whose response is the result of a numerical formula which contain variable numerical values by the use of wild cards (i.e {x} , {y} ) that are substituted with random values when the quiz is taken. The simple calculated questions offers the most used features of the calculated question with a much simpler...
Article Id: 20329

For a Drag and Drop into Text question, missing words in the question text are filled in using drag and drop. Example: To Add a Drag and Drop into Text Question to the Question Bank: Open Moodle and select your course . In the Administration block, click Question Bank then click Questions. Click Create a new question . ...
Article Id: 20330

The Drag and Drop Markers question allows students to drop markers onto a predefined area of a background image. The predefined areas on the background image are not visible to the student. Note: When dragging a marker, students must position the little circle in the center of the area they have selected, not the whole marker , as this might cause confusion and an unexpected...
Article Id: 20331

There are a few ways to grade an assignment: by individual submission, through quick grading, and through the gradebook. Please note that MoodleDocs does not show the Snap theme, but the functionality of settings is the same. To Grade an Individual Submission: Log into Moodle and go to your My Courses page. If there are assignments that need grading, you will see a notification on...
Article Id: 20201

Gapfill is a Cloze question type that offers dynamic options with a simpler question-builder interface than the Cloze question type. It can consist of a passage of text that has various answers embedded in it. These answers can be in a drag-and-drop, gapfill short answer, or drop-down format. There are several settings options for this question type, including distractors and hints. ...
Article Id: 20524

Viewing Quiz Results and Review Options Quiz Results (Instructors and Administrators) After students complete a quiz attempt, instructors and administrators can view the results in a report that displays information about these attempts. For example, you can see the user information, when the attempt began and ended, how long the attempt lasted, and whether items need to be manually...
Article Id: 20207

The Moodle Workshop is a peer review activity in which students can assess their classmates' work. The quality of both the students' assessments and their original submissions are graded by the instructor. The workshop activity guides students through the process in phases that the instructor must set up before the activity is available to students. The workshop is a valuable tool for...
Article Id: 20030

Instructors can affect grades for a workshop activity in Moodle during the assessment and grading evaluation phases. During the Assessment phase, instructors can provide their own assessments of student submission or of student assessments, with a selected weight. During the Grading evaluation phase , grades that students have already received are re-calculated based on an in-activity...
Article Id: 19759

General Information There are two types of Forums in the LSU instance of Moodle, (1) Announcements , and (2) the Forum . Forum Types 1. ...
Article Id: 20186

A workshop is an activity in which students can assess each others' submissions before an optional final assessment by the instructor. The settings for this activity determine several factors: when phases begin and end, how each phase is graded, submission and assessment requirements, and so on. There are two stages to the workshop setup: editing settings and editing the phases table. The...
Article Id: 20028

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