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This article will cover some important functions relating to Panopto Assignment folders. Specifically we will cover creating multiple assignment folders, how to allow students to see others submissions, and any other relevant processes to the LSU community as they are identified. Click on the bullet point for the process you wish to view: Creating Multiple Assignments Allow...
Article Id: 20479

Description In Moodle, the Outcomes tool allows instructors to track broad program- and course-level learning outcomes that correspond with specific course learning activities. In general, course outcomes specify what a student must know and do at the end of the course....
Article Id: 20486

While registered students are automatically enrolled into your course, you can manually enroll extra participants, such as a Teaching Assistant or Guest Instructor. To Enroll Extra Participants into Your Course: Click on the Admin icon. Click on Users drop down menu, then select Enrolled Users . Click the Enroll Users ...
Article Id: 20260

Cross-listing allows an instructor of record to create a single Moodle course that combines multiple courses that they are teaching (e.g., ENGL 1001 / LING 1001). Students in different courses and sections will be enrolled as different groups in the single Moodle course. Final grades will be submitted for each course (and section). NOTE: It is recommended that you cross-list your...
Article Id: 20173

LSU Faculty and Staff members may begin using Panopto within Moodle after they've completed the following steps: enabling the Panopto Moodle Block within their Moodle course, provisioning their course in Moodle, and downloading the recorder from the Moodle Block within your course . Note: Steps 1-2 are for a single Moodle course and must be done within each course in which you plan on...
Article Id: 20169

VoiceThread is a collaborative tool that allows users to add images, documents, and videos, to which other users can add voice, text, audio file, or video comments. Most VoiceThread links should be graded, and there are several formats available for these assignments. See below for the types of VoiceThread available, and reference the VoiceThread Overview article and its embedded links for...
Article Id: 20314

The Smart File Importer allows instructors to quickly upload grades to a graded item to Moodle by using a .CSV or .TXT file. A graded item will need to be created in the Gradebook before the grades are uploaded. The specific format of your file depends upon whether it is using the LSU ID number (89 number) or Email address as the unique identifier for the student. Please note that for the...
Article Id: 20359

The McGraw-Hill Connect LTIA external tool integrates all your digital products from McGraw-Hill Education with Moodle for quick and easy access to content and learning tools. Using the McGraw-Hill Connect LTIA external tool allows for deep linking, which means that students can directly access activities and resources through the Moodle site. Deep linking also allows for automatic gradebook...
Article Id: 18591

This Moodle integration allows Macmillan content to be delivered directly through Moodle and will allow the grades to be synced in your Moodle grade book as well. Important: It is important to follow the steps below to successfully deep link your course. There are two Macmillan tools available through the external tool activity type in Moodle: Macmillan LTI Tools and Macmillan Content.
Article Id: 19214

In Moodle, you can access VoiceThread, which is a module that enables interactive video chat sessions with other people. It allows you to upload and present files and media, and even draw on the media you are presenting in real time. To Access VoiceThread Home through Moodle: Create a VoiceThread in your Moodle course. Important note: To ensure the activity imports...
Article Id: 19300

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