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PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to save any content from courses that are older than 18 months, you have several options. The first option is to download and save the content to your own computer. The second option is to import the content into a Blueprint Course in Moodle. For each course you teach, you can get a single...
Article Id: 20166

Roles In Moodle Primary and non-primary instructors are automatically assigned in Moodle via information received from the mainframe based off assignments made by departmental staff. However, on occasion instructors will find that the need to assign additional instructors or add students to a course becomes necessary. Primary Instructor: Primary Instructors can...
Article Id: 20282

This Moodle integration allows Macmillan content to be delivered directly through Moodle and will allow the grades to be synced in your Moodle grade book as well. Important: It is important to follow the steps below to successfully deep link your course. There are two Macmillan tools available through the external tool activity type in Moodle: Macmillan LTI Tools and Macmillan Content.
Article Id: 19214

Instructors can affect grades for a workshop activity in Moodle during the assessment and grading evaluation phases. During the Assessment phase, instructors can provide their own assessments of student submission or of student assessments, with a selected weight. During the Grading evaluation phase , grades that students have already received are re-calculated based on an in-activity...
Article Id: 19759

Description The Moodle Quiz activity allows you to design and build quizzes or exams consisting of a large variety of question types, including multiple-choice, true-false, short answer and drag and drop. Quizzes can serve as a reading check or as a more in-depth assessment of the student's understanding of key concepts or terms. When deciding how to assess students’ learning in...
Article Id: 20185

General Information Activities & Resources in Moodle are the tools and features that you can add to your course as content resources, practice activities, and measurable assessments. The LSU Moodle site contains a list of standard Moodle activities and resources plus additional plug-ins added by the administrator. To add an activity or...
Article Id: 20159

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