Every 60 or 180 days, depending on the strength of your password, your MyLSU password will expire. This feature exists to ensure security in your account.
How Not to Reset your myLSU Password
There is a Microsoft login page you may see that looks similar to the screenshot below:

You cannot change your myLSU password on this page. Please make sure to go to my.lsu.edu and click the Forgot Password link instead!
How to Reset Your myLSU Password
1. You can reset your password by clicking the Forgot Password? link on the myLSU sign in screen, or by visiting my.lsu.edu and selecting Personal Preferences at the left, then Password Management.
- Note: Upon logging in successfully, if your password has expired or is about to expire, you will be taken directly to the Change Password page where you can set a new password. If this happens, you may skip to step 4.

2. On the next screen you will be asked to enter your myLSU Account (e.g. mtiger1) or communityLSU email address (if myProxy user). Click Continue when finished.

3. You will then be asked to enter your last name, date of birth, the last 4 digits of either your SSN or LSU ID Number (89#), and an answer to your password reset question. Press Continue once complete. (*Note: If you have not set a password reset question for your account, you will be prompted to do so).

4. You will then be asked to input a new password fitting the requirements above the input. Select Change Password to create new myLSU Account password.
- Note: If you were sent directly to this screen upon logging in, you will need to re-enter your current password in the first field before typing your new one.

- You will be asked to Enter new password, and Reenter new password.
- You are Required to have at least three of the following in your LSUMail Password:
- at least one upper case letter ( A-Z )
- at least one lower case letter ( a-z )
- at least one number ( 0-9 )
- at least one special character
- The Allowed Special Characters depends on the account.
- Special Characters for LSUMail: ( ` ~ @ # $ % & * ( ) - _ = + { } ; : ' , . / ? )
- Special Characters for MyLSU & All Other Accounts: ( ` ~ @ # $ % & * ( ) - _ = + { } ; : ' , . / ? and <SPACE> )
5. Once you have created a new password, you will be notified of your password change when you have submitted it. This change should take effect in 30 minutes* for LSU websites such as Moodle and myLSU.
- *Note: Please wait 2 hours before trying to log back into LSUMail, Teams, or other Microsoft services.

Clearing out your cookies and cache during the wait can often solve issues when signing in, as this ensures that there is no previously stored data for a site that might cause issues. You can get instructions on how to clear this data by visiting the article Web Browsers: How to Clear the Cache.
NOTE: Account Lockout Policy: After the third failed login attempt, the system initiates the policy. The user will be temporarily locked out of the account for 30 minutes. After this, the user can regain access to the system by signing in again.
Users who have set up security questions but are unable to answer them correctly MUST visit the Service Desk. The account owner MUST bring a photo ID to one of the Service Desk locations on campus for assistance with resetting the password. NO PHONE CALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED REGARDING PASSWORD INFORMATION, AND NO PROXY INDIVIDUALS WILL BE HONORED.
LSU Employees located in Shreveport, Eunice, Alexandria, and AgCenter Campuses should contact local Account administrators for password assistance. To view a list of local Account administrators, please visit GROK Article 19652.
If you need further assistance, please contact the Service Desk at 225-578-3375 or servicedesk@lsu.edu.