Gear To Geaux Laptops: LSU Overview
General Information
The LSU Student Technology Fee funds the purchase of mobile computing devices available for check-out at the LSU Library Access Services.
A student ID is required to check out these items. Any items not returned will be charged to your fee bill.
You can also check-out equipment through Communication Across Curriculum.
You must be an LSU STUDENT to be eligible for Gear2Geaux. Unfortunately, Faculty and Staff are not eligible as these services are provided through the Student Tech Fee.
Available Laptops
- Apple MacBook Air
- Dell Precision laptops
For information about other items avaiiable from the LSU Libraries’ Gear 2 Geaux program, please see their website: LSU Library Gear2Geaux
Eligibility & Order Procedures
- Available To: LSU Students.
- Request Service: Check out from the Access Services desk in Room 241 of the LSU Library.
- Delivery Timeline: Immediate / As Available.
- Fees: No fees to check-out items, however Late Fees and Lost Fees will apply if applicable.
Gear to Geaux Laptops
- Gear to Geaux Laptops are tied to your MyLSU account.
- Students are given administrative rights on the laptop.
- For basic troubleshooting, the ITS Service Desk is available (hours and contact information).
- For more advanced troubleshooting or hardware damage, please return the laptop to the Library Access Services desk.
- You are accountable for your own data, and there should be no expectation of data recovery.
- OneDrive is preloaded and configured for Windows based laptops. This cloud storage solution is beneficial to accessing your data on multiple devices.
- OneDrive is preloaded on MacOS laptops; however, access will require user interaction (using your MyLSU account and password).
Laptop Setup
- Every laptop comes preloaded with applications (Office 365, VMWare Horizon Desktop for, GlobalProtect VPN) and settings that are available.
- When receiving your laptop for the first time, it is highly suggested to log into the laptop prior to leaving the library.
Laptop Check-Out Policy & Procedures
Eligible Borrowers:
Student ID Required:
- A current, validated LSU Student ID is required for check-out. Access is limited to students with check-out privileges; if you have lost your library privileges because of failure to return library items or have not registered for the current semester you WILL NOT be able to check-out electronic devices.
Circulation of Electronics:
- Items can be checked out at the LSU Library Access Services.
- Laptops may be checked out for 28 days with one online renewal. Students who have special health needs or who will be off campus to do research for longer than two months can use the appeals process to request a semester loan period.
- Library electronics should NOT be left unattended at any time.
- You are responsible for the ALL materials checked out on your ID card even if you allow another student to use the item you borrowed.
- Students are responsible for laptops while they are checked out to them. Physical damage to a laptop while in the possession of a student will result in the assessment of a damage fee.
- For physical damage, loss, or theft of an item and/or its peripherals, you must immediately contact LSU Library Access Services and inform them.
Renewing Electronics:
- Technically, electronic devices may not be renewed; they must be brought back to the Access Services desk and discharged from the student’s account. If enough items are available, the item may be checked back out to the student.
- In order to renew a laptop, the Access Services must have at least five laptops available for other students to use.
- NO laptop can be renewed if other patrons are waiting.
Return of Equipment:
- Electronics are to be returned ON TIME & INTACT (with all associated pieces, cords, bags, etc.) to the LSU Library Access Services desk.
- All laptops must be returned 15 minutes before the Access Services closes.
- Repeated or extremely late return of electronic items may result in the loss of electronic check-out privileges.
Fees & Fines:
- Overdue fines are automatically charged to your student record.
- $50.00 maximum overdue fine, which is non-refundable.
- $1,600.00 replacement cost for each laptop lost - A credit for this fee, either in full or in part, will be issued when a lost laptop is returned. The amount of the credit is dependent on the length of the of time between the due date and the date of return. Laptops that are not returned after 40 days will be disabled by ITS.
- $30.00 processing fee will be added to the replacement cost of the item.
- Damage or loss charges may be applied to your University Fee Bill.
- Items will be declared lost after 24 hours past due time.
- Library circulation privileges are suspended once items are declared lost.
- Students who check out electronics are responsible for the FULL REPLACEMENT COST if the checked-out electronic item or any peripherals are lost or stolen. Students are also responsible for the FULL REPAIR PARTS & Services if the electronic item or any peripherals are damaged.
- Borrowers will be notified about their fines according to standard Library Notification Procedures.
- A $1 FINE may be charged for removed or defaced labels.
Regarding Personal Data and Recovery:
Students have the responsibility to back up their work when using a Gear2Geaux laptop. We recommend that students backup their work using LSU OneDrive, Files2Geaux, etc. If a laptop needs to be returned because it’s not working properly, it cannot be guaranteed that you can receive the same laptop back, or that its data can be recovered.
LSU Support & Policy Statements
Help Desk Contact Information
Policy Statements
2/26/2025 3:40:39 PM