Moodle: Common Activity Settings: LSU Overview

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.
GROK Overview Banner

Moodle provide dozens of different kinds of course activities, and each one has a variety of settings. There are a few types of settings that are common to most Moodle activities, and understanding these settings will allow basic management of almost any Moodle activity.

Below the activity name and description area and above the Save and return to course, Save and display, and Cancel button is an option to send a content change notification. If you are updating a visible activity to add or remove information and would like to alert students, check the box next to Send content change notification. Note: This notification will not be sent if the assignment is hidden from students.

Send content change notification activity option

Here are more common settings often found on the right side of the activity settings page:

  1. Visibility
  2. Grade
  3. Common Module Settings
  4. Restrict Access
  5. Activity Completion
  6. Tags
  7. Competencies (currently disabled)

Assignment activity settings


Support & Training

The Faculty Technology Center (FTC) provides Moodle support by email, by phone, or live through Zoom. For contact information, please see the article Faculty Technology Center: LSU Overview. To connect through Zoom and for further information on support services and training, see the LSU Online & Continuing Education Faculty Resources & Support page.

The FTC also provides just-in-time faculty training opportunities and recorded training sessions. Attending at least one training session for Moodle upgrades is highly recommended. For a comprehensive list of available workshops and recordings, please see the LSU Online & Continuing Education Technology Training page.

1/17/2024 1:31:58 PM