Moodle: Activities & Resources: Quiz User Override Settings
The Overrides setting provides instructors with the ability to allow for student accommodations and increased time allotments for specific users in their Moodle course. If instructors need to add the same accommodation to multiple students, they can either do so individually for each student or add a group override.
How to Enable the User Override Setting:
- In your course, click on the quiz.
- Click the admin gear icon (
) on the top right corner of the page to open the Quiz administration menu.
- Click Overrides to go to the override settings page.
- On the next screen, select the type of override you want to add and click the Add... button. The button text will change to match the type of override you select.
- If you select User override, you can then select the student that you wish to override quiz settings for, and then change the settings that apply to the student. Note that before you select a user, No selection will show.
Do the same if you select Group override.
- Once you have finished making changes, select Save or Save and enter another override.
NOTE: This action can only be completed by the Primary Instructor. The only required setting is the name of the student or group to whom you would like to give an override for the quiz.
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