Windows Maps: Add, Edit, or Delete an Account

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

To Add, Edit, or Remove Accounts in Windows Maps

1. Click the Windows button in the bottom left corner of the screen, and type Maps into the Search bar.

maps icon in the windows menu

2. Click the Accounts button in the top right corner of the screen.

accounts button in the maps app


To Add an Account:

1. Click Microsoft Account.

click the microsoft account button

2. Enter the account information and click Sign In.

account information screen

3. After signing in, click Next to use this account to automatically access other Windows apps. Click Skip this Step if you do not want to allow it.

account sign in in the maps

4. Your account is now added to the application.
5. The account can now be accessed on the Settings screen.

accessing a new account in the people app


To Edit an Account:

1. Select the account you would like to edit.

selecting an account in the people app

2. From here, you can change the Account Name, Mailbox Sync Settings, Account Settings, or Delete the account. Once preferred settings are chosen, click Save.

edit an account in the people app


To Delete an Account:

1. Select the account you would like to delete.

select an account in the people app

2. Click the Delete Account button.

Delete account button in the people app


3. To finish deleting the account, click Delete.

deletion confirmation button

4. To confirm the deletion, click Yes in the dialog box.

deletion confirmation dialog box

Referenced from: Microsoft

1/5/2024 12:39:21 PM