LSU Libraries ILLIAD Interlibrary Loan service
First time users will need to register for an ILLIAD account which takes 1-2 minutes. Register by clicking on the Access my ILL Account box found at the Interlibrary Loan Services page and then complete the form.
Requesting Journal Articles through Database Pre-populated Forms
1. Before submitting an Interlibrary Loan request, please check the Library Catalog for access (electronic or print). PubMed and Cab Direct/VetMed Resource will have a link to search the Library Catalog if full text cannot be found through the database. Clicking the “Check LSU Library Catalog” link will automatically search the Catalog for the journal title.
2. If no LSU Library has access to the resource, click the “Request this item through Interlibrary Loan” link.

3. You will be prompted to enter your username and password to

4. The Interlibrary Loan request will be pre-populated with all the necessary information about the article. The only field you should need to fill out is the Need by Date field.

5. Check your information and then click Submit Request at the bottom of the screen when finished.
6. Turnaround time is typically 24 to 48 hours.
Requesting All Other Resource Types
- Note: Whole e-books cannot be loaned through ILL, but chapters can be requested.
1. Before submitting an Interlibrary Loan request, please check the Library Catalog to see if access is available (electronic or print).
2. Navigate to the LSU Veterinary Medicine Library webpage:
3. Under the Quick Links section on the left-hand side of the screen, click Services.

4. On the Services webpage, click Interlibrary Loan.

5. Click the button that says Submit Interlibrary Loan Request to open the main Request page with information on the types of requests available.

6. To begin your request, click the Access my ILL Account button.

7. You will be prompted to enter your username and password to

8. Under New Request, click on the type of material or resource you wish to receive.

9. Fill in the form with the appropriate information. The * fields are required.

10. Check your information and then click Submit Request at the bottom of the screen when finished.
11. Turnaround time is typically 24 to 48 hours.
Referenced from: