OneDrive for Business: Set-up Next Generation Sync Client on Mac OS X

Set-up Next Generation Sync Client on Mac OS X:

1. Open the Terminal window on your machine.

2. In the Terminal, type: 

defaults write DefaultToBusinessFRE -bool True

First command typed into the Terminal.

3. In that same terminal, type: 

defaults write EnableAddAccounts -bool True

Second command typed into the Terminal.

4. Next, open OneDrive by hitting cmd+Space and typing in "OneDrive".

OneDrive typed into Spotlight.

5. With OneDrive open, select "Get Started" in the bottom right-hand corner to set up your OneDrive account.

Click "Get Started".

6. Sign with your Microsoft account. If you do not have one, you will need to create one. (To create a Microsoft account)

Sign into your Microsoft Account.


7. Then choose the location where your OneDrive folder will be located.

Choose location.


8. At the bottom of the pop-up window, the location you chose will be displayed. Click Next at the bottom of the screen to continue.

Click "Next".


9. You can now Sync your files. Select Done when finished. 

Click "Done" when finished.


Referenced from: Microsoft

3/6/2024 12:10:45 PM