Accessibility: JAWS Overview

Getting Started
JAWS was created by Freedom Scientific, a corporation that manufactures assistive technology. JAWS is a screen reader that is used by visually impaired users to hear applications read aloud. JAWS may be used for Lotus Symphony, Microsoft Office Suite, MSN Messenger, Corel, WordPerfect, Adobe, Acrobat Reader, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and more.
JAWS offers a focus display keyboard that allows output to be displayed as braille, in addition to JAWS' read-aloud function.
Download & Installation Instructions
Purchase JAWS from the Freedom Scientific e-store.
Installation Instructions: JAWS Quick Start Guide
Visit the JAWS Web Site for more information.
Training & Support
JAWS Software Support
JAWS Technical Support
JAWS Training Links
JAWS Certification Information
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